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A quick overview of the role in JSDN.
Global Menu and Sub menu Options
The Global menus and sub menus are available at the top right of the dealer marketplace interface. You can access the global menus from any of the pages. Using the Global menu, you can instantly reach the intended page.
Primary Navigation Menu Options
The primary navigation menu is a set of menu options just below the marketplace label. The menus are accessible from any of the pages throughout the marketplace and enable you to access the main sections of the marketplace.
and Other Menu Options
Dashboard Menu Options
Supported Browsers and Operating System
Dos and Don'ts
Using Help Topics
Once you've logged into the system, you can change your password at any time using the Profile > My Profile tab.
First time Login
After registering successfully, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address by your marketplace administrator. The e-mail will contain your username (your e-mail address) along with the URL link to access the marketplace. When you log in to the marketplace for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password. Provide a new password and confirm password change. Refer to Setting up Your Password for more information.
Password Setup
The first time when you log in to the marketplace after registration, the system prompts you to set the password. You must select a security hint question and provide an answer; it helps you to retrieve your password. The Set Password window is displayed.
From the Dashboard page, you can quickly register a new customer, manage customers and open a help desk ticket, and perform many other useful tasks.
The Manage Your Account feature enables you to manage your dealer account. On this page, you can manage your profile, and change your password.
Edit Profile
Edit Company Profile
Once you are registered with the marketplace, you can log into your marketplace account and set your company profile, edit your mailing details.
Change Password
You can change your password any number of times.
Helpdesk Cases
You can open a helpdesk case, whenever you experience any technical issues.
The Manage Your Customers feature helps you to manage your customers. You can unlink customers from your account. You can add as many customers you can. A dealer can be associated with more than one customer, but the customer can be associated with only one dealer.
Register a Customer
If you have the privilege, you can register a new customer.
Manage Customers
This section explains you on how to manage your customers via proxy, and unlink customer from your account. Please note, that the customers account should be in Active status to manage the account.
Manage Users
The Manage Your Users feature helps you to manage your users. On this page, you can manage your user's profile and view the Name, Role, Date the user was added and the user's Status.